
Diritti umani e antropologia
Diritti umani e dialogo interculturale
Teorie e fondamenti dei diritti umani

Diritti umani e antropologia

  • American Anthropological Association, Statement on Human Rights, "American Anthropologist", 49,1947.
  • Arizpe, L., UN Cultured, "Anthropology Today", 14, 1998, 3-24.
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  • Clifford, J., The Predicament of Culture, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1988, trad. it. I frutti puri impazziscono, Boringhieri, Torino, 1993.
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  • Hatch, E., The Good Side of Relativism, "Journal of Anthropological Research", 53, 1997, 371-81.
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  • Messer, E., Anthropology and Human Rights, "Annual Review of Anthropology", 22, 1993, 221-49.
  • ---, Pluralist Approaches to Human Rights, "Journal of Anthropological Research", 53, 1997, 293-317.
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  • Preis, A.B.S., Human Rights as Cultural Practice: An Anthroplogical Critique, "Human Rights Quarterly", 18, 1996, 286-315.
  • Renteln, A.D., Relativism and the Search for Human Rights, "American Anthropologist", 90, 1984, 56-72.
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  • Todorov, T., Nous et les autres. La réflexion francaise sur la diversité humaine, Seuil, Paris, 1989.
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  • Wilson, R.A., (ed.), Human Rights, Culture and Context. Anthropological Perspectives, Pluto Press, London, 1997.
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  • Zechenter, E., In the Name of Culture: Cultural Relativism and the Abuse of the Individual, "Journal of Anthropological Research", 53, 1997, 319-38.

Diritti umani e dialogo interculturale

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  • Turner, T., Nagengast, C., Universal Human Rights Versus Cultural Relativity, "Journal of Anthropological Research" (Special Issue), 53, 1997.
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Teorie e fondamenti dei diritti umani

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