Red barbed wire

The Palestinian Question

edited by Francesco Ciafaloni and Cinzia Nachira

Editorial Board: Raja Bahlul, Paola Canarutto, Mariano Mingarelli; founded by Fiamma Bianchi Bandinelli

This section aims to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of ideas concerning the Palestinian question as considered from a legal standpoint. It includes laws, resolutions and covenants (whether national, regional or international). International relations and politics are also considered, inasmuch as they proceed (or fail to proceed) in accordance with varying degrees and notions of legality. The objective is to create a growing database of the most significant legal, political and historical documents relating to the Palestinian question.

We welcome your contributions in the form of book reviews, discussions of media coverage, and essays dealing with legal or political aspects of the Arab-Israeli conflict, as well as initiatives and proposals for conflict resolution and/or adjudication.

La finalidad de esta sección es la de ofrecer un espacio para presentar y debatir ideas relevantes para la cuestión palestina considerada desde el punto de vista jurídico. Las normas, las resoluciones y los pactos (nacionales, regionales o internacionales) están incluidos en este campo de interés. También se destacan la política y las relaciones internacionales, en la medida en que son (o no son) conformes con los distintos niveles e ideas de legalidad. La sección se propone construir una recopilación de los documentos jurídicos, políticos e históricos más importantes y que tengan una relevancia especial para la cuestión palestina.

Serán bienvenidas las contribuciones como recensiones, discusiones de las noticias difundidas por los medios de comunicación y trabajos que traten los aspectos jurídicos o políticos del conflicto árabe-israelí, así como también iniciativas y propuestas relativas a posibles decisiones o soluciones del conflicto.

Lo scopo di questa rubrica è di offrire uno spazio per presentare e discutere idee rilevanti per la questione palestinese considerata da un punto di vista giuridico. Le norme, le risoluzioni e i patti (nazionali, regionali o internazionali) rientrano in quest'area di interesse. Sono rilevanti anche la politica e le relazioni internazionali, in quanto sono (o non sono) conformi ai diversi livelli e idee di legalità. La rubrica cerca di costruire una raccolta dei documenti giuridici, politici e storici più importanti che abbiano un qualche rilievo per la questione palestinese.

Sono benvenuti contributi come recensioni, discussioni delle notizie diffuse dai mezzi di comunicazione e saggi che trattino degli aspetti giuridici o politici del conflitto arabo-israeliano, come anche iniziative e proposte relative a possibili decisioni o soluzioni del conflitto.



Premessa. La Palestina dell'antichità
[en] Preface. Palestine in ancient times
[es] Premisa. La Palestina de la antigüedad
  1. From the Ottoman Empire to Israel's birth and expansion
  2. Refugees of 1948 and 1967. An unresolved problem
  3. From the Six-Day War to the Hamas electoral victory
    1. Resistance organizes itself in the occupied territories and abroad. Intifada and the failure of the Oslo Accords
    2. PNA. After the Hamas electoral victory
  4. The Gaza strip
  5. War, morality and law
  6. Material structures: demography, health, water
  7. Legal structures: law and discrimination
  8. The seizure of land. Colonization. The building of the Wall
  9. Economy in Israel and the occupied territories
  10. Politics and society
    1. Democracy and society in Israel
    2. Occupation and politics in Palestine
  11. Education and culture
  12. Palestine, the state of Israel and the World
  13. The Palestinian tragedy in the comments of international observers
  14. New proposals and new instruments for a just peace
    1. Is "Two states for two peoples" still a valid formula?
    2. The democratic "one state"
    3. Pacifists and non-violent struggle
    4. The "BDS" proposal: boycott, divestment, sanctions
  15. The attack on Gaza of December 27, 2008
  16. The Netanyahu government